Archived: Advanced Configuration Settings

Almost all user-modifiable settings in APM can be configured in your ground station via MAVLink. However, if for any reason you want to change the defaults, you can do so by modifying the APM_Config.h file, and then compiling and loading the code in Arduino. Because we are editing computer software we need to speak in computer language, which is done in “Declarations” in the APM_Config.h file.

To change from the default values or turn on a feature, paste the relevant line from the below (keeping or changing its value as desired) in theAPM_Config.h file in the APM code, then upload your code to the APM board. You must remove the // in front of a line for it to be recognized by Arduino; // means “comment”.

If you have a APM1280 board and are finding the code is too big to compile and load with Arduino, you will need to turn off some memory-hogging features. A guide to doing that is here.

Avoid changing too many options at once; test the effect of each change as you go.

Resist the temptation to copy the entire APM_Config.h.reference file - the set of valid options may change as the software evolves and it’s best to keep your changes separate. Do not edit the config.h header; this file sets the defaults for options that you have not adjusted in APM_Config.h, and it needs to stay in sync with the rest of the APM code.

This is a copy of the APM_Config.h.reference file for reference - note that the version in your Sketchbook may have been updated since this copy was taken.

// Example and reference ArduPilot Mega configuration file
// =======================================================
// This file contains documentation and examples for configuration options
// supported by the ArduPilot Mega software.
// Most of these options are just that - optional.  You should create
// the APM_Config.h file and use this file as a reference for options
// that you want to change.  Don't copy this file directly; the options
// described here and their default values may change over time.
// Each item is marked with a keyword describing when you should set it:
//          You must configure this in your APM_Config.h file.  The
//          software will not compile if the option is not set.
//          The option has a sensible default (which will be described
//          here), but you may wish to override it.
//          You should configure this option unless you are prepared
//          to deal with potential problems.  It may relate to a feature
//          still in development, or which is not yet adequately tested.
//          The option should only be set if you are debugging the
//          software, or if you are gathering information for a bug
//          report.
// NOTE:
//   Many of these settings are considered 'factory defaults', and the
//   live value is stored and managed in the ArduPilot Mega EEPROM.
//   Use the setup 'factoryreset' command after changing options in
//   your APM_Config.h file.
// Units
// -----
// Unless indicated otherwise, numeric quantities use the following units:
// Measurement | Unit
// ------------+-------------------------------------
// angle       | degrees
// distance    | metres
// speed       | metres per second
// servo angle | microseconds
// voltage     | volts
// times       | seconds
// throttle    | percent


// GPS_PROTOCOL                             REQUIRED
// GPS configuration, must be one of:
// GPS_PROTOCOL_AUTO            Auto detect GPS type (must be a supported GPS)
// GPS_PROTOCOL_NONE        No GPS attached
// GPS_PROTOCOL_IMU         X-Plane interface or ArduPilot IMU.
// GPS_PROTOCOL_MTK         MediaTek-based GPS running the DIYDrones firmware 1.4
// GPS_PROTOCOL_MTK16       MediaTek-based GPS running the DIYDrones firmware 1.6
// GPS_PROTOCOL_SIRF        SiRF-based GPS in Binary mode.  NOT TESTED
// GPS_PROTOCOL_NMEA        Standard NMEA GPS.      NOT SUPPORTED (yet?)

// AIRSPEED_SENSOR                          OPTIONAL
// AIRSPEED_RATIO                           OPTIONAL
// Set AIRSPEED_SENSOR to ENABLED if you have an airspeed sensor attached.
// Adjust AIRSPEED_RATIO in small increments to calibrate the airspeed
// sensor relative to your GPS.  The calculation and default value are optimized for speeds around 12 m/s
// The default assumes that an airspeed sensor is connected.
//#define AIRSPEED_RATIO      1.9936

// MAGNETOMETER                          OPTIONAL
// MAG_ORIENTATION                       OPTIONAL
// Set MAGNETOMETER to ENABLED if you have a magnetometer attached.
// Set MAG_ORIENTATION to reflect the orientation you have the magnetometer mounted with respect to ArduPilotMega
// The default assumes that a magnetometer is not connected.
//#define MAGNETOMETER          DISABLED

// HIL_PROTOCOL                             OPTIONAL
// HIL_MODE                                 OPTIONAL
// HIL_PORT                                 OPTIONAL
// Configuration for Hardware-in-the-loop simulation.  In these modes,
// APM is connected via one or more interfaces to simulation software
// running on another system.
// HIL_PROTOCOL_XPLANE    Configure for the X-plane HIL interface.
// HIL_PROTOCOL_MAVLINK   Configure for HIL over MAVLink.
// HIL_MODE_DISABLED      Configure for standard flight.
// HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE      Simulator provides attitude and position information.
// HIL_MODE_SENSORS       Simulator provides raw sensor values.
// Note that currently HIL_PROTOCOL_XPLANE requires HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE.
// Note that currently HIL_PROTOCOL_MAVLINK requires HIL_MODE_SENSORS.
//#define HIL_MODE                              HIL_MODE_DISABLED
//#define HIL_PORT                              0
//#define HIL_PROTOCOL                  HIL_PROTOCOL_MAVLINK

// GCS_PROTOCOL                             OPTIONAL
// GCS_PORT                                 OPTIONAL
// MAV_SYSTEM_ID                                                        OPTIONAL
// The GCS_PROTOCOL option determines which (if any) ground control station
// protocol will be used.  Must be one of:
// GCS_PROTOCOL_NONE        No GCS output
// GCS_PROTOCOL_MAVLINK     QGroundControl protocol
// The GCS_PORT option determines which serial port will be used by the
// GCS protocol.   The usual values are 0 for the console/USB port,
// or 3 for the telemetry port on the oilpan.  Note that some protocols
// will ignore this value and always use the console port.
// The MAV_SYSTEM_ID is a unique identifier for this UAV.  The default value is 1.
// If you will be flying multiple UAV's each should be assigned a different ID so
// that ground stations can tell them apart.
//#define GCS_PORT                      3
//#define MAV_SYSTEM_ID         1

// Serial port speeds.
// SERIAL0_BAUD                             OPTIONAL
// Baudrate for the console port.  Default is 115200bps.
// SERIAL3_BAUD                             OPTIONAL
// Baudrate for the telemetry port.  Default is 57600bps.
//#define SERIAL0_BAUD        115200
//#define SERIAL3_BAUD         57600

// Battery monitoring                       OPTIONAL
// See the manual for details on selecting divider resistors for battery
// monitoring via the oilpan.
// BATTERY_EVENT                            OPTIONAL
// Set BATTERY_EVENT to ENABLED to enable low voltage or high discharge warnings.
// The default is DISABLED.
// LOW_VOLTAGE                              OPTIONAL if BATTERY_EVENT is set.
// Value in volts at which ArduPilot Mega should consider the
// battery to be "low".
// VOLT_DIV_RATIO                           OPTIONAL
// See the manual for details.  The default value corresponds to the resistors
// recommended by the manual.
// CURR_AMPS_PER_VOLT                                           OPTIONAL
// CURR_AMPS_OFFSET                                                     OPTIONAL
// The sensitivity of the current sensor.  This must be scaled if a resistor is installed on APM
// for a voltage divider on input 2 (not recommended).  The offset is used for current sensors with an offset
// HIGH_DISCHARGE                                                       OPTIONAL if BATTERY_EVENT is set.
// Value in milliamp-hours at which a warning should be triggered.  Recommended value = 80% of
// battery capacity.
//#define BATTERY_EVENT                 DISABLED
//#define LOW_VOLTAGE                   9.6
//#define VOLT_DIV_RATIO                3.56
//#define CURR_AMPS_PER_VOLT    27.32
//#define CURR_AMPS_OFFSET              0.0
//#define HIGH_DISCHARGE                1760

// INPUT_VOLTAGE                            OPTIONAL
// In order to have accurate pressure and battery voltage readings, this
// value should be set to the voltage measured at the processor.
// See the manual for more details.  The default value should be close if you are applying 5 volts to the servo rail.
//#define INPUT_VOLTAGE 4.68    //  4.68 is the average value for a sample set.  This is the value at the processor with 5.02 applied at the servo rail


// FLIGHT_MODE                                                          OPTIONAL
// FLIGHT_MODE_CHANNEL                                  OPTIONAL
// Flight modes assigned to the control channel, and the input channel that
// is read for the control mode.
// Use a servo tester, or the ArduPilotMega_demo test program to check your
// switch settings.
// ATTENTION: Some ArduPilot Mega boards have radio channels marked 0-7, and
// others have them marked the standard 1-8.  The FLIGHT_MODE_CHANNEL option
// uses channel numbers 1-8 (and defaults to 8).
// If you only have a three-position switch or just want three modes, set your
// switch to produce 1165, 1425, and 1815 microseconds and configure
// FLIGHT_MODE 1 & 2, 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 to be the same.  This is the default.
// If you have FLIGHT_MODE_CHANNEL set to 8 (the default) and your control
// channel connected to input channel 8, the hardware failsafe mode will
// activate for any control input over 1750ms.
// For more modes (up to six), set your switch(es) to produce any of 1165,
// 1295, 1425, 1555, 1685, and 1815 microseconds.
// Flight mode |  Switch Setting (ms)
// ------------+---------------------
//      1      |     1165
//      2      |     1295
//      3      |     1425
//      4      |     1555
//      5      |     1685
//      6      |     1815       (FAILSAFE if using channel 8)
// The following standard flight modes are available:
//  Name            | Description
// -----------------+--------------------------------------------
//                  |
//  MANUAL          | Full manual control via the hardware multiplexer.
//                  |
//  STABILIZE       | Tries to maintain level flight, but can be overridden with radio control inputs.
//                  |
//  FLY_BY_WIRE_A   | Autopilot style control via user input, with manual throttle.
//                  |
//  FLY_BY_WIRE_B   | Autopilot style control via user input, aispeed controlled with throttle.
//                  |
//  RTL             | Returns to the Home location and then LOITERs at a safe altitude.
//                  |
//  AUTO            | Autonomous flight based on programmed waypoints.  Use the WaypointWriter
//                  | application or your Ground Control System to edit and upload
//                  | waypoints and other commands.
//                  |
// The following non-standard modes are EXPERIMENTAL:
//  Name            | Description
// -----------------+--------------------------------------------
//                  |
//  LOITER          | Flies in a circle around the current location.
//                  |
//  CIRCLE          | Flies in a stabilized 'dumb' circle.
//                  |
// If you are using channel 8 for mode switching then FLIGHT_MODE_5 and
// FLIGHT_MODE_6 should be MANUAL.
//#define FLIGHT_MODE_1         RTL
//#define FLIGHT_MODE_2         RTL
//#define FLIGHT_MODE_3         STABILIZE
//#define FLIGHT_MODE_4         STABILIZE
//#define FLIGHT_MODE_5         MANUAL
//#define FLIGHT_MODE_6         MANUAL

// THROTTLE_FAILSAFE                        OPTIONAL
// THROTTLE_FS_VALUE                        OPTIONAL
// The throttle failsafe allows you to configure a software failsafe activated
// by a setting on the throttle input channel (channel 3).  Enabling this failsafe
// also enables "short failsafe" conditions (see below) based on loss of
// rc override control from the GCS
// This can be used to achieve a failsafe override on loss of radio control
// without having to sacrifice one of your FLIGHT_MODE settings, as the
// throttle failsafe overrides the switch-selected mode.
// Throttle failsafe is enabled by setting THROTTLE_FAILSAFE to 1.  The default
// is for it to be enabled.
// If the throttle failsafe is enabled, THROTTLE_FS_VALUE sets the channel value
// below which the failsafe engages.  The default is 975ms, which is a very low
// throttle setting.  Most transmitters will let you trim the manual throttle
// position up so that you cannot engage the failsafe with a regular stick movement.
// Configure your receiver's failsafe setting for the throttle channel to the
// absolute minimum, and use the ArduPilotMega_demo program to check that
// you cannot reach that value with the throttle control.  Leave a margin of
// at least 50 microseconds between the lowest throttle setting and
//#define THROTTLE_FS_VALUE   950


// GCS_HEARTBEAT_FAILSAFE                               OPTIONAL
// SHORT_FAILSAFE_ACTION                                OPTIONAL
// LONG_FAILSAFE_ACTION                                 OPTIONAL

// There are two basic conditions which can trigger a failsafe.  One is a loss of control signal.
// Normally this means a loss of the radio control RC signal.  However if rc override from the
// GCS is in use then this can mean a loss of communication with the GCS.  Such a failsafe will be
// classified as either short (greater than 1.5 seconds but less than 20) or long (greater than 20).
// Also, if GCS_HEARTBEAT_FAILSAFE is enabled and a heartbeat signal from the GCS has not been received
// in the preceeding 20 seconds then this will also trigger a "long" failsafe.
// The SHORT_FAILSAFE_ACTION and LONG_FAILSAFE_ACTION settings determines what APM will do when
// a failsafe mode is entered while flying in AUTO or LOITER mode.  This is important in order to avoid
// accidental failsafe behaviour when flying waypoints that take the aircraft
// out of radio range.
// If SHORT_FAILSAFE_ACTION is 1, when failsafe is entered in AUTO or LOITER modes,
// the aircraft will head for home in RTL mode.  If the failsafe condition is
// resolved, it will return to AUTO or LOITER mode.

// If LONG_FAILSAFE_ACTION is 1, when failsafe is entered in AUTO or LOITER modes,
// the aircraft will head for home in RTL mode.  If the failsafe condition is
// resolved the aircraft will not be returned to AUTO or LOITER mode, but will continue home

// If XX_FAILSAFE_ACTION is 2 and the applicable failsafe occurs while in AUTO or LOITER
// mode the aircraft will continue in that mode ignoring the failsafe condition.

// Note that for Manual, Stabilize, and Fly-By-Wire (A and B) modes the aircraft will always
// enter a circling mode for short failsafe conditions and will be switched to RTL for long
// failsafe conditions.  RTL mode is unaffected by failsafe conditions.
// The default is to have GCS Heartbeat failsafes DISABLED
// The default behaviour is to ignore failsafes in AUTO and LOITER modes.
//#define SHORT_FAILSAFE_ACTION         2
//#define LONG_FAILSAFE_ACTION          2

// AUTO_TRIM                                OPTIONAL
// ArduPilot Mega can update its trim settings by looking at the
// radio inputs when switching out of MANUAL mode.  This allows you to
// manually trim your aircraft before switching to an assisted mode, but it
// also means that you should avoid switching out of MANUAL while you have
// any control stick deflection.
// The default is to enable AUTO_TRIM.
//#define AUTO_TRIM           ENABLED

// THROTTLE_REVERSE                         OPTIONAL
// A few speed controls require the throttle servo signal be reversed.  Setting
// this to ENABLED will reverse the throttle output signal.  Ensure that your
// throttle needs to be reversed by using the hardware failsafe and the
// ArduPilotMega_demo program before setting this option.
// The default is to not reverse the signal.

// ENABLE_STICK_MIXING                     OPTIONAL
// If this option is set to ENABLED, manual control inputs are are respected
// while in the autopilot modes (AUTO, RTL, LOITER, CIRCLE etc.)
// The default is to enable stick mixing, allowing the pilot to take
// emergency action without switching modes.

// THROTTLE_OUT                             DEBUG
// When debugging, it can be useful to disable the throttle output.  Set
// this option to DISABLED to disable throttle output signals.
// The default is to not disable throttle output.
//#define THROTTLE_OUT        ENABLED


// GROUND_START_DELAY                       OPTIONAL
// If configured, inserts a delay between power-up and the beginning of IMU
// calibration during a ground start.
// Use this setting to give you time to position the aircraft horizontally
// for the IMU calibration.
// The default is to begin IMU calibration immediately at startup.

// ENABLE_AIR_START                         OPTIONAL
// If air start is disabled then you will get a ground start (including IMU
// calibration) every time the AP is powered up. This means that if you get
// a power glitch or reboot for some reason in the air, you will probably
// crash, but it prevents a lot of problems on the ground like unintentional
// motor start-ups, etc.
// If air start is enabled then you will get an air start at power up and a
// ground start will be performed if the speed is near zero when we get gps
// lock.
// The default is to disable air start.
//#define ENABLE_AIR_START    0


// Altitude measurement and control.
// ALT_EST_GAIN                             OPTIONAL
// The gain of the altitude estimation function; a lower number results
// in slower error correction and smoother output.  The default is a
// reasonable starting point.
//#define ALT_EST_GAIN        0.01
// ALTITUDE_MIX                             OPTIONAL
// Configures the blend between GPS and pressure altitude.
// 0 = GPS altitude, 1 = Press alt, 0.5 = half and half, etc.
// The default is to use only pressure altitude.
//#define ALTITUDE_MIX        1

// AIRSPEED_CRUISE                          OPTIONAL
// The speed in metres per second to maintain during cruise.  The default
// is 10m/s, which is a conservative value suitable for relatively small,
// light aircraft.
//#define AIRSPEED_CRUISE     12

// FLY_BY_WIRE_B airspeed control (also used for throttle "nudging" in AUTO)
// AIRSPEED_FBW_MIN                         OPTIONAL
// AIRSPEED_FBW_MAX                         OPTIONAL
// Airspeed corresponding to minimum and maximum throttle in Fly By Wire B mode.
// The defaults are 6 and 30 metres per second.
// AIRSPEED_FBW_MAX also sets the maximum airspeed that the cruise airspeed can be "nudged" to in AUTO mode when ENABLE_STICK_MIXING is set.
// In AUTO the cruise airspeed can be increased between AIRSPEED_CRUISE and AIRSPEED_FBW_MAX by positioning the throttle
// stick in the top 1/2 of its range.  Throttle stick in the bottom 1/2 provide regular AUTO control.
//#define AIRSPEED_FBW_MIN    6
//#define AIRSPEED_FBW_MAX    22

// Servo mapping
// THROTTLE_MIN                             OPTIONAL
// The minimum throttle setting to which the autopilot will reduce the
// throttle while descending.  The default is zero, which is
// suitable for aircraft with a steady power-off glide.  Increase this
// value if your aircraft needs throttle to maintain a stable descent in
// level flight.
// THROTTLE_CRUISE                          OPTIONAL
// The approximate throttle setting to achieve AIRSPEED_CRUISE in level flight.
// The default is 45%, which is reasonable for a modestly powered aircraft.
// THROTTLE_MAX                             OPTIONAL
// The maximum throttle setting the autopilot will apply.  The default is 75%.
// Reduce this value if your aicraft is overpowered, or has complex flight
// characteristics at high throttle settings.
//#define THROTTLE_MIN                  0 // percent
//#define THROTTLE_CRUISE               45
//#define THROTTLE_MAX                  75

// Autopilot control limits
// HEAD_MAX                                 OPTIONAL
// The maximum commanded bank angle in either direction.
// The default is 45 degrees.  Decrease this value if your aircraft is not
// stable or has difficulty maintaining altitude in a steep bank.
// PITCH_MAX                                OPTIONAL
// The maximum commanded pitch up angle.
// The default is 15 degrees.  Care should be taken not to set this value too
// large, as the aircraft may stall.
// The maximum commanded pitch down angle.  Note that this value must be
// negative.  The default is -25 degrees.  Care should be taken not to set
// this value too large as it may result in overspeeding the aircraft.
// The target pitch for cruise flight.  When the APM measures this pitch
// value, the pitch error will be calculated to be 0 for the pitch PID
// control loop.
//#define HEAD_MAX            45
//#define PITCH_MAX           15
//#define PITCH_MIN           -25
//#define PITCH_TARGET        0

// Attitude control gains
// Tuning values for the attitude control PID loops.
// The P term is the primary tuning value.  This determines how the control
// deflection varies in proportion to the required correction.
// The I term is used to help control surfaces settle.  This value should
// normally be kept low.
// The D term is used to control overshoot.  Avoid using or adjusting this
// term if you are not familiar with tuning PID loops.  It should normally
// be zero for most aircraft.
// Note: When tuning these values, start with changes of no more than 25% at
// a time.
// SERVO_ROLL_P                             OPTIONAL
// SERVO_ROLL_I                             OPTIONAL
// SERVO_ROLL_D                             OPTIONAL
// P, I and D terms for roll control.  Defaults are 0.4, 0, 0.
// SERVO_ROLL_INT_MAX                       OPTIONAL
// Maximum control offset due to the integral.  This prevents the control
// output from being overdriven due to a persistent offset (e.g. crosstracking).
// Default is 5 degrees.
// ROLL_SLEW_LIMIT                          EXPERIMENTAL
// Limits the slew rate of the roll control in degrees per second.  If zero,
// slew rate is not limited.  Default is to not limit the roll control slew rate.
// (This feature is currently not implemented.)
// SERVO_PITCH_P                            OPTIONAL
// SERVO_PITCH_I                            OPTIONAL
// SERVO_PITCH_D                            OPTIONAL
// P, I and D terms for the pitch control.  Defaults are 0.6, 0, 0.
// SERVO_PITCH_INT_MAX                      OPTIONAL
// Maximum control offset due to the integral.  This prevents the control
// output from being overdriven due to a persistent offset (e.g. native flight
// AoA).
// Default is 5 degrees.
// PITCH_COMP                               OPTIONAL
// Adds pitch input to compensate for the loss of lift due to roll control.
// Default is 0.20 (20% of roll control also applied to pitch control).
// SERVO_YAW_P                              OPTIONAL
// SERVO_YAW_I                              OPTIONAL
// SERVO_YAW_D                              OPTIONAL
// P, I and D terms for the YAW control.  Defaults are 0., 0., 0.
// Note units of this control loop are unusual.  PID input is in m/s**2.
// SERVO_YAW_INT_MAX                        OPTIONAL
// Maximum control offset due to the integral.  This prevents the control
// output from being overdriven due to a persistent offset (e.g. crosstracking).
// Default is 0.
// RUDDER_MIX                               OPTIONAL
// Roll to yaw mixing.  This allows for co-ordinated turns.
// Default is 0.50 (50% of roll control also applied to yaw control.)
//#define SERVO_ROLL_P        0.4
//#define SERVO_ROLL_I        0.0
//#define SERVO_ROLL_D        0.0
//#define SERVO_ROLL_INT_MAX  5
//#define ROLL_SLEW_LIMIT     0
//#define SERVO_PITCH_P       0.6
//#define SERVO_PITCH_I       0.0
//#define SERVO_PITCH_D       0.0
//#define PITCH_COMP          0.2
//#define SERVO_YAW_P         0.0               // Default is zero.  A suggested value if you want to use this parameter is 0.5
//#define SERVO_YAW_I         0.0
//#define SERVO_YAW_D         0.0
//#define SERVO_YAW_INT_MAX   5
//#define RUDDER_MIX          0.5

// Navigation control gains
// Tuning values for the navigation control PID loops.
// The P term is the primary tuning value.  This determines how the control
// deflection varies in proportion to the required correction.
// The I term is used to control drift.
// The D term is used to control overshoot.  Avoid adjusting this term if
// you are not familiar with tuning PID loops.
// Note: When tuning these values, start with changes of no more than 25% at
// a time.
// NAV_ROLL_P                               OPTIONAL
// NAV_ROLL_I                               OPTIONAL
// NAV_ROLL_D                               OPTIONAL
// P, I and D terms for navigation control over roll, normally used for
// controlling the aircraft's course.  The P term controls how aggressively
// the aircraft will bank to change or hold course.
// Defaults are 0.7, 0.0, 0.02.
// NAV_ROLL_INT_MAX                         OPTIONAL
// Maximum control offset due to the integral.  This prevents the control
// output from being overdriven due to a persistent offset (e.g. crosstracking).
// Default is 5 degrees.
// NAV_PITCH_ASP_P                          OPTIONAL
// NAV_PITCH_ASP_I                          OPTIONAL
// NAV_PITCH_ASP_D                          OPTIONAL
// P, I and D terms for pitch adjustments made to maintain airspeed.
// Defaults are 0.65, 0, 0.
// NAV_PITCH_ASP_INT_MAX                    OPTIONAL
// Maximum pitch offset due to the integral.  This limits the control
// output from being overdriven due to a persistent offset (eg. inability
// to maintain the programmed airspeed).
// Default is 5 degrees.
// NAV_PITCH_ALT_P                          OPTIONAL
// NAV_PITCH_ALT_I                          OPTIONAL
// NAV_PITCH_ALT_D                          OPTIONAL
// P, I and D terms for pitch adjustments made to maintain altitude.
// Defaults are 0.65, 0, 0.
// NAV_PITCH_ALT_INT_MAX                    OPTIONAL
// Maximum pitch offset due to the integral.  This limits the control
// output from being overdriven due to a persistent offset (eg. inability
// to maintain the programmed altitude).
// Default is 5 meters.
//#define NAV_ROLL_P          0.7
//#define NAV_ROLL_I          0.01
//#define NAV_ROLL_D          0.02
//#define NAV_ROLL_INT_MAX    5
//#define NAV_PITCH_ASP_P     0.65
//#define NAV_PITCH_ASP_I     0.0
//#define NAV_PITCH_ASP_D     0.0
//#define NAV_PITCH_ALT_P     0.65
//#define NAV_PITCH_ALT_I     0.0
//#define NAV_PITCH_ALT_D     0.0

// Energy/Altitude control gains
// The Energy/altitude control system uses throttle input to control aircraft
// altitude.
// The P term is the primary tuning value.  This determines how the throttle
// setting varies in proportion to the required correction.
// The I term is used to compensate for small offsets.
// The D term is used to control overshoot.  Avoid adjusting this term if
// you are not familiar with tuning PID loops.
// Note units of this control loop are unusual.  PID input is in m**2/s**2.
// THROTTLE_TE_P                            OPTIONAL
// THROTTLE_TE_I                            OPTIONAL
// THROTTLE_TE_D                            OPTIONAL
// P, I and D terms for throttle adjustments made to control altitude.
// Defaults are 0.5, 0, 0.
// THROTTLE_TE_INT_MAX                      OPTIONAL
// Maximum throttle input due to the integral term.  This limits the
// throttle from being overdriven due to a persistent offset (e.g.
// inability to maintain the programmed altitude).
// Default is 20%.
// THROTTLE_SLEW_LIMIT                      OPTIONAL
// Limits the slew rate of the throttle, in percent per second.  Helps
// avoid sudden throttle changes, which can destabilise the aircraft.
// A setting of zero disables the feature.
// Default is zero (disabled).
// P_TO_T                                   OPTIONAL
// Pitch to throttle feed-forward gain.  Default is 0.
// T_TO_P                                   OPTIONAL
// Throttle to pitch feed-forward gain.  Default is 0.
//#define THROTTLE_TE_P       0.50
//#define THROTTLE_TE_I       0.0
//#define THROTTLE_TE_D       0.0
//#define THROTTLE_TE_INT_MAX 20
//#define P_TO_T              0
//#define T_TO_P              0

// Crosstrack compensation
// XTRACK_GAIN                              OPTIONAL
// Crosstrack compensation in degrees per metre off track.
// Default value is 1.0 degrees per metre.  Values lower than 0.001 will
// disable crosstrack compensation.
// XTRACK_ENTRY_ANGLE                       OPTIONAL
// Maximum angle used to correct for track following.
// Default value is 30 degrees.
//#define XTRACK_GAIN         1  // deg/m
//#define XTRACK_ENTRY_ANGLE  30 // deg


// Dataflash logging control
// Each of these logging options may be set to ENABLED to enable, or DISABLED
// to disable the logging of the respective data.
// LOG_ATTITUDE_FAST                        DEBUG
// Logs basic attitude info to the dataflash at 50Hz (uses more space).
// Defaults to DISABLED.
// LOG_ATTITUDE_MED                         OPTIONAL
// Logs basic attitude info to the dataflash at 10Hz (uses less space than
// LOG_GPS                                  OPTIONAL
// Logs GPS info to the dataflash at 10Hz.  Defaults to ENABLED.
// LOG_PM                                   OPTIONAL
// Logs IMU performance monitoring info every 20 seconds.
// Defaults to DISABLED.
// LOG_CTUN                                 OPTIONAL
// Logs control loop tuning info at 10 Hz.  This information is useful for tuning
// servo control loop gain values.  Defaults to DISABLED.
// LOG_NTUN                                 OPTIONAL
// Logs navigation tuning info at 10 Hz.  This information is useful for tuning
// navigation control loop gain values.  Defaults to DISABLED.
// LOG_ MODE                                OPTIONAL
// Logs changes to the flight mode upon occurrence.  Defaults to ENABLED.
// LOG_RAW                                  DEBUG
// Logs raw accelerometer and gyro data at 50 Hz (uses more space).
// Defaults to DISABLED.
// LOG_CMD                                  OPTIONAL
// Logs new commands when they process.
// Defaults to ENABLED.
//#define LOG_GPS             ENABLED
//#define LOG_PM              ENABLED
//#define LOG_CTUN            DISABLED
//#define LOG_NTUN            DISABLED
//#define LOG_MODE            ENABLED
//#define LOG_RAW             DISABLED
//#define LOG_CMD             ENABLED
//#define LOG_CUR                       DISABLED

// Navigation defaults
// WP_RADIUS_DEFAULT                        OPTIONAL
// When the user performs a factory reset on the APM, set the waypoint radius
// (the radius from a target waypoint within which the APM will consider
// itself to have arrived at the waypoint) to this value in meters.  This is
// mainly intended to allow users to start using the APM without running the
// WaypointWriter first.
// When the user performs a factory reset on the APM, set the loiter radius
// (the distance the APM will attempt to maintain from a waypoint while
// loitering) to this value in meters.  This is mainly intended to allow
// users to start using the APM without running the WaypointWriter first.
// USE_CURRENT_ALT                                                      OPTIONAL
// ALT_HOLD_HOME                                                        OPTIONAL
// When the user performs a factory reset on the APM, set the flag for weather
// the current altitude or ALT_HOLD_HOME altitude should be used for Return To Launch.
// Also, set the value of USE_CURRENT_ALT in meters.  This is mainly intended to allow
// users to start using the APM without running the WaypointWriter first.
//#define WP_RADIUS_DEFAULT             30
//#define USE_CURRENT_ALT               FALSE
//#define ALT_HOLD_HOME                 100

// Debugging interface
// DEBUG_PORT                               OPTIONAL
// The APM will periodically send messages reporting what it is doing; this
// variable determines to which serial port they will be sent.  Port 0 is the
// USB serial port on the shield, port 3 is the telemetry port.
//#define DEBUG_PORT                    0

// Do not remove - this is to discourage users from copying this file
// and using it as-is rather than editing their own.
#error You should not copy APM_Config.h.reference - make your own APM_Config.h file with just the options you need.