Tuning Process Instructions

The tuning process consists of the following steps:

  1. Setting up the parameters to prepare for the first tuning flights

  2. Initial tuning flight to obtain a stable, but not necessarily optimized, tune.

  3. Evaluation of the initial stable tuning

  4. Setup Noise notch filters, see Managing Gyro Noise with the Dynamic Harmonic Notch Filters

  5. Manual tuning of Roll and Pitch and/or use QuikTune scripting (required before attempting to use AUTOTUNE!)


  7. Setting the Input Shaping parameters to obtain the desired “feel”

The initial tune of the aircraft should be done in the aircrafts most agile configuration. This generally means that the aircraft will be at its minimum take off weight with fully charged batteries.


Following each of the above steps will usually result in a safe tuning process and adequate tune for most users. For commercial, expensive and/or high lift capacity vehicles, this extensive, very detailed tuning procedure is recommended, but is probably “overkill” for hobbyist/casual users.

Advanced Tuning

ArduCopter has an extremely flexible controller design that has been used with great results on aircraft from 100g to 500kg. There are a number of difficult control problems that provide a greater depth of understanding that can be provided here. Some of these issues include:

  • High gyro noise levels

  • Flexible airframes

  • Soft vibration dampers

  • Large payloads on flexible or loose mounts

  • Rate limited actuators

  • Non-Linear actuators

  • Extremely aggressive or dynamic flight