Generating Copter Motor Diagrams

Motor diagrams such as the one below can be automatically generated for inclusion in the Connect ESCs and Motors page.



Updating Generated JSON Data

scripts/motor-diagram-data/AP_Motors_test.json contains motor matrix information for all supported frame classes and types and is used to generate the diagram imagery. It should be updated whenever a new frame class or type is added or existing ones are significantly changed. After updating, re-generate motor diagrams using as described below.


AP_Motors_test.json is procedurally generated and is not intended to be edited directly. Instead, edit AP_Motors_display.json as described below if diagram output must be adjusted/customized.

Updating AP_Motors_test.json (alternate method)

ardupilot_wiki/scripts/ can be used to update AP_Motors_test.json independent of the ArduPilot build environment. It fetches C++ header and source files from the ArduPilot repo and uses a similar method to the AP_Motors_test executable. Output should be functionally identical to AP_Motors_test for the purpose of generating Copter motor diagrams, but it is a more fragile method and may not produce JSON data for new/niche frame classes and types.

Enter the ardupilot_wiki build environment and execute the following:

cd ardupilot_wiki # or wherever your ardupilot_wiki repo is cloned
# make a backup
mv scripts/motor_diagram_data/AP_Motors_test.json scripts/motor_diagram_data/AP_Motors_test.json.bak
# generate AP_Motors_test.json
./scripts/ -o

There are a few custom options for the script. Run ./scripts/ -h for a full list.

Once the output has been verified, the backup file can be deleted before committing changes to a new branch and creating a pull request.

Updating All Motor Diagrams

If AP_Motors_test.json or AP_Motors_display.json are changed, the following command can be used to update all copter motor diagrams:

cd ardupilot_wiki # or wherever your ardupilot_wiki repo is cloned
# optionally preview wiki image tags before building
./scripts/ --preview

Preview output can be pasted into the Connect ESCs and Motors page.

There are a number of other options for the script. Run ./scripts/ -h for a full list.

Altering the Appearance of Motor Diagrams


Most frame types do not require any additional display customization, but any diagram’s appearance can be modified as follows.

scripts/motor-diagram-data/AP_Motors_display.json amplifies and/or overrides the data in AP_Motors_test.json for selected frame types. AP_Motors_display.json can be edited to alter the appearance of diagrams. Each field overrides the corresponding field in AP_Motors_test.json or adds amplifying information for display in the diagram.

After editing AP_Motors_display.json, re-generate diagrams using as described above.

  • All fields except class and frame IDs are optional (if not specified, values from AP_Motors_test.json are used)

  • ClassName and TypeName override the title text

  • Notes are displayed below the title text as part of the diagram (smaller font)

  • WikiNotes add a wiki `.. note::` block below the diagram

  • Comments are information only and ignored when generating the diagrams

  • Skip if true, this frame is skipped by the generator script (useful for frames that have duplicate diagrams)

  • motors includes motor matrix data.

    • Number is the intended motor output channel

    • TestOrder is the order in which the motor is tested (letters A, B, C, etc.)

    • Rotation is the motor rotation direction (CCW or CW). A ? indicates no yaw torque.

    • Roll is the “roll factor” of the motor and functions as an X coordinate for the diagram. Positive is below the origin, and negative is above. Generally, use values between -0.5 and 0.5.

    • Pitch is the “pitch factor” of the motor and functions as a Y coordinate for the diagram. Positive is to the right, and negative is to the left. Generally, use values between -0.5 and 0.5.

    • FrameLines can be used to override the default frame arm depiction, where each motor is connected to the center of the frame. The coordinate system functions the same as for Roll and Pitch.

The following Quad A-Tail example showcases many of the available options:

    "1": {
        "ClassName": "QUAD",
        "5": {
            "Comments": "Motor vectors adjusted to show accurate diagram",
            "TypeName": "A TAIL",
            "WikiNotes": [
                "Quad A Tail and V Tail frames do not use the front motors for yaw control (NYT). Motor rotation direction does not matter for these motors."
            "FrameLines": [
                [0, 0, -0.5, 0.266],
                [0, 0, 0.5, 0.266],
                [0, 0, 0, -0.3],
                [-0.008, -0.3, 0.4, -0.5],
                [0.008, -0.3, -0.4, -0.5]
            "motors": [
                    "Number": 1,
                    "TestOrder": 1,
                    "Rotation": "?",
                    "Roll": -0.5,
                    "Pitch": 0.266
                    "Number": 2,
                    "TestOrder": 3,
                    "Rotation": "CCW",
                    "Roll": 0.3,
                    "Pitch": -0.5
                    "Number": 3,
                    "TestOrder": 4,
                    "Rotation": "?",
                    "Roll": 0.5,
                    "Pitch": 0.266
                    "Number": 4,
                    "TestOrder": 2,
                    "Rotation": "CW",
                    "Roll": -0.3,
                    "Pitch": -0.5