Linux Initialization Scripts

Example Systemd Unit Files

Adjust as needed and place in /etc/defaults/ardupilot

# ArduPilot configuration options

# Serial port configuration
# Uncomment and update as needed
# See "Startup Options" under "ArduPilot on Linux" in dev wiki for more information.
#SERIAL0=--serial0 tcp:
#SERIAL1=--serial1 /dev/ttyS0

# change log directory (Optional)
#LOG_DIRECTORY=--log-directory /var/APM/logs

# change terrain directory (Optional)
#TERRAIN_DIRECTORY=--terrain-directory /var/APM/terrain

# change storage path (Optional)
#STORAGE_DIRECTORY=--storage-directory /var/APM/storage

# Configure CPU affinity (Optional)
#CPU_AFFINITY=--cpu-affinity 1 #a single CPU, or range(1-3)

This board-specific one-shot script should contain any system-level configuration required for running ardupilot. Adjust as needed, and place in /etc/systemd/system/ardupilot-sysconfig.service .

Description=Configure system for realtime operation


# Lock CPU governor to top speed for reduced jitter caused by clock tree changes
# For more information,
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "/bin/echo performance | tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor"

This build-type specific script contains the startup options. Adjust as needed(and per-build), and place in /etc/systemd/system/arduplane.service

Description=ArduPlane Service

# Do not attempt to run multiple ardupilot services at a time,
# as they will almost certainly conflict.
Conflicts=arducopter.service ardupilot.service ardurover.service

#Run arduplane using environment configured in /etc/default/ardupilot

#  See "Startup Options" under "ArduPilot on Linux" in dev wiki for more information.
#  Configure the serial ports according to board.
#  Configure cpu-affinity according to board or remove.
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/arduplane \
    $SERIAL0 \
    $SERIAL1 \
    $SERIAL2 \
    $SERIAL3 \
    $SERIAL4 \
    $SERIAL5 \
    $SERIAL6 \
    $SERIAL7 \
    $SERIAL8 \
    $SERIAL9 \



To start, sudo systemctl start arduplane. To check on it, sudo systemctl status arduplane. To restart, sudo systemctl restart arduplane. To stop, sudo systemctl stop arduplane. To enable service startup at boot, sudo systemctl enable arduplane Note that only one build must be running at a time.