MATLAB Real Time PlottingΒΆ

The same high speed MATLAB UDP connection implemented for SITL can also be used to stream data from ArduPilot to MATLAB. This allows real-time plotting and calculations to be done in MATLAB. This is only a one-way link, data cannot be passed back to ArduPilot. ArduPilot can be using any of its Simulation backends, including MATLAB or Simulink provided they are running in a second MATLAB instance. This method can be used to short-cut any analysis that would previously require a SITL test flight and log analysis.

To avoid lag the data must be processed by MATLAB fast enough that the input buffer remains empty. A common use case for such a tool is to prototype a function. Once the function is working as expected in MATLAB it can be manually translated in to C++ and run natively within ArduPilot. The c++ result can then be included in the data streamed to MATLAB to be compared with the prototype implementation.

Minimal changes are required to ArduPilot. Firstly the socket library must be included in the header file associated with the cpp of interest. A socket private variable is then defined. For example:

#include <AP_HAL/utility/Socket.h>
class streaming_example
  SocketAPM   sock{true};

In the function of interest the data of is then assembled into a structure and sent out over UDP. Note that the structure must be aligned, the simplest way to achieve this is to used the same variable types. The IP and port number should be set to match those used in MATLAB.

struct interesting_data {
  float data1 = interesting_number1;
  float data2 = interesting_number2;
  float data3 = interesting_number2;
} data_to_send;

sock.sendto(&data_to_send, sideof(data_to_send),, 9002)

The MATLAB code to receive the data would be as follows, the TCP/UDP/IP Toolbox should be added to the MATLAB path.

% Init the UDP port
u = pnet('udpsocket',9002); % port should match that used in AP

bytes_read =  3*4; % expecting 3 floats of 4 bytes each

while true

  % see if there is anything waiting
  in_bytes = pnet(u,'readpacket',bytes_read);

  if in_bytes == 0
      % wait for data
      % you could use this wait to update your plots
      while true
          in_bytes = pnet(u,'readpacket',bytes_read);
          if in_bytes > 0

  % read in data from AP
  % C++ floats are a MATLAB SINGLE type, were expecting 3, cast to doubles as used by MATLAB natively
  data_received = double(pnet(u,'read',3,'SINGLE','intel'));

  % convert back to AP variables names for consistency
  interesting_number1 = data_received(1);
  interesting_number2 = data_received(2);
  interesting_number3 = data_received(3);

  % do something interesting here
